Business Builder
Automation Expert & Consultant

Raja Mohsin Abbas

A business & entrepreneurship expert with experience in building businesses in Asia & North America.

About Me
raja abbas

Streamlining Business Processes & Increasing Profits

I am currently the president of Reach First, a digital marketing agency that has offices in 2 different continents. In addition to this business, I have served as a consultant for many companies in North America. Streamlining business processes and increasing profits along the way.

Learn More

I help businesses…

With efficiency & automation of processes

I have a well-defined approach to make any business more efficient.


Events &
Speaking Engagements

21st May, 2022 (01:00 PM)

Nishat Hotel Emporium Mall

Topic: How To Startup?

10th February, 2020 (12pm)

MUST University Mirpur, Azad Kashmir

Topic: Business In The Digital Age At MUST University Mirpur, Azad Kashmir

If you have any question,
feel free to contact me.
